Saturday, June 2, 2007



rx said...

i like the little pitchfork dude.
would you be interested in designing a tattoo for me someday? hmm..

Edward Juan said...

heidi, you know what i think of your stuff, AMAZING!!!! You have to do one more film! YOU HAVE TO!!!! okay, i'm going for a bike ride in portland. cheers!

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Gorgeous design!
Your line, shape and silhouette is so powerfull.

philip vose said...

hey heids,
you've got so much great stuff, hope you know that. i just started mine so i have to keep it up...that's not going to be easy for me. yikes!!! better have a good summer, ok!

jesse said...

I stumbled across your blog and i gotta say you have some cool sketches and some beautiful designs below..
Great stuff!

lorelay bove said...

Beautiful designs! ! I love the characters you did for character design class, specially the xmas one with the snowman and the lady.

chris chua said...

beautiful linework and sense of design. Cant wait to see more!

Josh Dotson said...

There all cool..the one in the middle speaks to me! You should make a film on a verticle screen!

Jarrett said...

You have a great sense of design! I had a laugh at your third year film haha.

papercut assassin said...

Excellent stuff

DINTOONS said...

oooooooooh, wonderfully creative faces and designs!! :O

Anonymous said...

Awesome work. You have your own style.

Eli said...

Unique body of work, I'm super impressed by your characters, textures, the whole package!

Josh Parpan said...

Your work is incredible!

Marcelo Braga said...

Great guys! Really cool, can I link you to my blog?

karim Qabrawi said...

thanks Heidi thats One of my Favorite Layouts "you have A good Sight ;D

keep in touch so would catch uo with the latest of my job


Packo’s art and tattoo Studio said...


Christian said...


greg oakes said...

heidi!! thanks SO much for stoppin' by my blog with the comment! :) that chick with the bicycle tire on her head/hair... killer illustration!! i really really like it! really. ;) charcoal? the mood is heavy. keep it goin! thanks again for liking my lines! ;)

Unknown said...

These are awesome. Brilliant variety of character design style!!

Ash K said...

heidi i've always loved your stuff. your blog looks awesome.

link me or ashley k will burn your house down

Marcelo Daldoce said...

nice work, congratulations!
if you have time look my watercolors:

milind said...

so kind of you,thanx for the indeed r a great designer ,love the swords man,the owls great designs ,keep n touch and keep posted and keep commenting,lol bye.

milind said...

hi heidi,love the swords uve realiee pushed the design,very convincing.keep posted will be back for more,thnx.